Sat Feb 19th-
Saturday was a big day...
It was Ronnie's 365th day smoke free and Randi had a HUGE surprise party planned BUT since Ronnie was still sick it was canceled. We did still have to buy the cake since it was a custom cake, it was yummy!
Also it was Randi's last day teaching at the studio that she has been at for the
past 15 year. Good news is that the new studio will be closer to home!!!!
Sun Feb 20th-
Jocie and Mommy spent the morning at dance competition where Jocie picked up on a few more make-up tricks from watching the girls backstage.
Picture is of Jocie's "backstage" make-up.
This picture is an example of Jocie's make-up skills.
I sure hope the smurf look is in.
Monday Feb 21-
Dylan was still under the weather from the family sick bug that 3 out of the 4 of us got. By the late afternoon the kids were back to normal and wanting to entertain us. Dylan was a "workout boy" and Jo was her usual "ballerina princess". It also was Ronnie's first day back to work after being in bed for 4 days straight. Hooray for feeling better (and flu meds)!!!
Tue Feb 22-
Mommy and the kids took a drive to Zombieland (AKA Newnan, GA) to get Ronnie's tag for his car. Dylan couldn't believe that there were no zombies and I think finally understood that the movie wasn't real.
If you have seen the movie this is the street that Woody Haralson and the "Columbus" walk down and smash the minivan.
Wed Feb 23-
Man is it already the end of the month?
Wed morning Mommy woke to find pieces of Honey all over the carpet....Jocie is a strong believer that Honey was attacked by bugs while in bed. No bugs were at the seen of the crime but there happen to be a pair of scissors hidden. I'm afraid Jocie's bug story would not hold up in court very well.
In other news.....FOR SALE 1 FEMALE 3 YEAR OLD, cheap!!! Knows how to use scissors.