Monday, February 28, 2011

 Thursday Feb 24th- 
Dylan was still out of school for Winter break so Dylan and Jo went to Ms Yvonne's for the day so Mommy could help move the costume shop at the dance studio she works at now with Ms Debbie, the costume lady. This picture is just some of the boxes, fabric and shelves we moved into her garage. Mommy was sore the next day!

Friday Feb 25th- 
Ronnie was off!!!! We had a fun family day together since this was the first day Ronnie was off and not sick in a few weeks!!! 
P.S Honey got fixed!!!
  Sat Feb 26th-
Saturday Mommy went with her friend Jessica to try on wedding dresses and look a possible wedding venues.  Sadly there are no pictures to show. :(

But Jocie did sport her 80's/black swan look for most of the day with the sitter! Yes those are feathers!!!

Sun Feb 27th-


The kids helped decorate his cake!

 Lunch at Italian Oven, his favorite!!!

You can kind of see the decoration on the cake. The left side was Dylan's creation (it was Army inspired) and Jocie's side was pink, Duh!!!

Some of the Lancaster/Dockery family!

Jocie's "dirt-day" dance for Daddy!

Mon Feb 28th-

Dylan went back to school after 10 days out. Mommy took a walk through the studio one last time. It looked so different without floors and mirrors.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

 Sat Feb 19th-
Saturday was a big day...

It was Ronnie's 365th day smoke free and Randi had a HUGE surprise party planned BUT since Ronnie was still sick it was canceled. We did still have to buy the cake since it was a custom cake, it was yummy!


Also it was Randi's last day teaching at the studio that she has been at for the
past 15 year. Good news is that the new studio will be closer to home!!!!

Sun Feb 20th-
Jocie and Mommy spent the morning at dance competition where Jocie picked up on a few more make-up tricks from watching the girls backstage.  

Picture is of Jocie's "backstage" make-up. 

 This picture is an example of Jocie's make-up skills.

I sure hope the smurf look is in.
 Monday Feb 21-
Dylan was still under the weather from the family sick bug that 3 out of the 4 of us got. By the late afternoon the kids were back to normal and wanting to entertain us. Dylan was a "workout boy" and Jo was her usual "ballerina princess". It also was Ronnie's first day back to work after being in bed for 4 days straight. Hooray for feeling better (and flu meds)!!!
 Tue Feb 22-
Mommy and the kids took a drive to Zombieland (AKA Newnan, GA) to get Ronnie's tag for his car. Dylan couldn't believe that there were no zombies and I think finally understood that the movie wasn't real. 
If you have seen the movie this is the street that Woody Haralson and the "Columbus" walk down and smash the minivan.
Wed Feb 23-
Man is it already the end of the month?
Wed morning Mommy woke to find pieces of Honey all over the carpet....Jocie is a strong believer that Honey was attacked by bugs while in bed. No bugs were at the seen of the crime but there happen to be a pair of scissors hidden. I'm afraid Jocie's bug story would not hold up in court very well. 
In other news.....FOR SALE 1 FEMALE 3 YEAR OLD, cheap!!! Knows how to use scissors. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wed Feb 16-
Today was another nice day outside. It also was the kids last day having dance class in the same studio that mommy once owned and grew up in. Mr Steve, the new owner, is moving out of the building next week and all the classes will be at his other studio in Tyrone, GA.
So many memories for Mommy in this building but also excited about the new memories that will be made in the new building.

I have a picture of Jocie just after she started to walk in that same spot.
Thurs Feb 17th-
Wed night Ronnie wasn't feeling that great and by Thursday morning Dylan and Ronnie had low fevers and sore throats. 
Both boys spent the day in bed with Chicken noodle soup and hot tea. 

Picture was taken just before the soup got spilled all over mommy's side of the bed.

Fri Feb 18th-
Another beautiful day out!
The boys are much better but not back to work/school yet.
Slow lazy day.

Picture is of our shower art to each's starting to get out of hand but very cute. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

  Sun Feb 13-
What a beautiful day outside. We had a picnic outside, played, had dinner with Nana and Grand at Chili's then all 4 of us went to Walmart. 

Princess Barbie Fairy playing outside.

Cowboy/ Army man Woody playing outside.
 Mon Feb 14-
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Dylan had pajama day and a Valentine's party at his school. Jo eat candy ALL day. Ronnie and Randi both worked. 
This picture is from one of the MANY e-cards Ronnie gave Randi. Best V-day yet!!!

Tues Feb 15-
Princess Jocie and Randi visited Ms Raegan, Puppy Murphy and got to meet Baby Landon!!! Even at 4 weeks old Jocie knows Landon is going to be a King, LOL!

 After our visit we went to our favorite place....can you guess were we went?!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wed Feb 9th-
 Ronnie was off from work so we went to lunch and the kids went to dance (meaning he got a few hours with his xbox)!
It also was a sad day cause Grandmommy's cat passed away. The picture is of Sabrina. (1997?-2011)

 Thurs Feb 10th-
We woke up to a beautiful snow landscape! The great part was that the world didn't come to an end...the roads were drivable, the kids still went to school and there were no milk and bread shortages. 

 Poor school kids went to school in a winter wonderland and by the time school was out it all melted.

Jocie and I ventured out to Walmart to pick out Valentine cards and it was Jocie's first trip to a big store with her shopping cart.

Fri Feb 11-
It was "Dress like a President" at Dylan's school so....he did!
Apparently he only wore the bread for 15 minutes but it was cute. 

Meet Dylan Lincoln!
 Sat Feb 12-
It was a busy day.....Randi worked at the studio for a paralyzing 8 hours....Ronnie worked in Atlanta in way to cold of weather....Dylan and Jo stayed with a sitter all day. So for dinner we went to our favorite place, WAFFLE HOUSE!!!!!!

Two happy girls at their favorite place!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sat Feb 5- 
Apparently it was family dance night in our house. 
We usually have music on and Jocie is always dancing but this time we all joined in!

Daddy/ Daughter sweetheart dance while singing!

 Dylan and Mommy slow dancing.

Sun Feb 6- 
This is the picture of Jocie "helping" Mommy clean out her's and Daddy's cars. This is her "lets see if I can put everything on top of me and pretend to sleep so I don't have to help" routine. Looks like one big pink blob.

Mon Feb 7 -
It was a foggy-rainy day so Jocie insisted on parading around the house in her tutu and Cinderella costume all day. Look at that silhouette!!!

Tues Feb 8- 
It was a slow are some of the kids "homework" papers.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Wed Feb 2- 
Wednesday is the kids dance day. Dylan asked me to take his picture. Isn't he handsome!!!

 The kids love to sit in the "big kids" class and watch for a few minutes. This picture was taken before they got started and as you can tell Dylan is already cozy (the dark blue blob on the floor is him).

Thurs Feb 3- 
For Christmas Ronnie got me a huge puzzle set. I finally got a chance to get it out while Jocie was watching a movie. 300 puzzles in 2 hours!
 Jocie got hungry and I guess she didn't want to wait for me to get up. 

On her menu: cinnamon bagels, cream cheese, ketchup and sweet tea

Fri Feb 4-
It was a very cold and wet day AGAIN. After lunch with Mr Steve from dance Jocie and Mommy went to get Dylan from school. Jocie decided to make herself more beautiful while waiting. I had to scrub most of it off before we went to Walmart cause it looked like she had a black eye. And yes that is a costume on over her clothes <sigh>.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mon Jan 31- 
What a cold Monday...Here is a picture of one of my classes I teach. They are playing "teacher/student".

Photo by Ceri Carter

P.S. I'm kind of impressed with the fact that I have kept this blog up...Happy 1 month blog readers!
Tues Feb 1- 
Wow what a day!!!! Jocie and I had breakfast with Jessica (a childhood friend). Jessica is getting married and I will be her matron of honor. We had fun looking at dress catalogs and starting to discuss the details of the event. We even took a drive over to a possible location....why do weddings have to cost so much?!
Ronnie was off from work and enjoyed a peaceful morning with his xbox and guitar. 
After school all 4 of us went to Redneck Gourmet. 
It was a foggy, rainy, cold, gross day.
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